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I offer transformational services accredited by the American Board of NLP & Hypnotherapy which focus on overcoming emotional blocks and mindset limitations/beliefs which are preventing you from leading the quality of life you want and deserve! 


Together, we will get to the root cause of what is holding youback, including undesired emotions which are dominating your life, limiting beliefs, habits and thoughts, and then we can focus on creating the life & mindset you desire!



Time Line Therapy™ is known to be one of the most effective tools in creating long-lasting changes in how you feel about emotional traumas, behaviours and for overcoming limiting beliefs.

Using powerful NLP techniques, 
overcome anxiety, work on emotional blocks

and self-worth, quit bad habits.
Tailored to your specific desired outcome.
£75 for 1 hour session. 


Hypnotherapy is a powerful technique used to work
with the unconscious mind to help treat problems
such as anxiety, unhealthy eating & bad habits. 
Overcome emotional blocks,
​physical pain and more.
It is also powerful in allowing your mind to access
the resources needed for success & achieving goals.
Book your session or get in touch via the enquiry tab
to discuss how hypnotherapy will help you. 

PLRT is a hypnotherapy technique for those who wish to explore alternative avenues to gain a therapeutic resolution. Hypnotherapy allows us to access factors which are beneath our conscious awareness. Factors such as fixed thoughts, emotional residue, mental residue and limiting beliefs can be explored further through PLRT, gaining insight and clarity for present-day problems.

Weekly coaching sessions (min 6weeks)

*click here for all the details

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